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Homeowner's Exemption Reminder
Well, it's that time of year again. It's time to ensure you have your homeowner's exemption on your tax bill. Typically, in Cook County, you can apply for the 2022 homeowner's exemption in early 2023. Starting in March, that season is upon us.
How do you check if you have the homeowner's exemption if you live in Cook?
Go here.
Enter you PIN.
Scroll down to see if "Yes" is checked under the homeowner's exemption.
Now, if you see "No" everywhere, it's time to either file a certificate of error (to reclaim the HOE in the years you were eligible) OR it's time to file for 2023 in early March.
Any year that you lived at your property beginning on 1/1 of that particular year, you are eligible. You may file certificate of errors here. If the first year you are eligible is 2022, we will send you comprehensive instructions in mid March.
If you live outside of Cook, you can check your tax bill to ensure you have the homeowner's exemption. To be brutally honest, most Counties outside of Cook are MUCH more liberal in granting the exemption than Cook is. However, you can check other local counties below:
Simply pull up your tax bill and ensure you are getting the 6,000 homeowner's exemption. If you are NOT, call your local township to ensure it is added to your bill.
If you have any questions whatsoever, that's why we are here! Simply send David an email here.
We look forward to always being a value add to any client you deem worthy of a referral to our law firm. To your continued success in the upcoming Spring Market!