Client: A 2022 Goal You Might Have Forgotten....

Estate Planning

If you are receiving this message, you own real estate.

If you own real estate, you should be thinking about what would happen with that real estate in the event of your untimely death.

If you are in title to the property with another individual, typically, upon your death, it would pass, by operation of law, to the other title holder. But, what if, God forbid, you were both to die?

It is important to plan for such a contingency, if you have not done so already. You do not want your heirs juggling the bureaucracy of a probate court (so your heirs can liquidate the property). This is where Estate Planning comes in.

The David Frank Law Group can assist you in planning for such a contingency. Furthermore, we can also assist with powers of attorney for healthcare and property if you were to become disabled or incapacitated.

Now, although unpleasant to account for, such contingencies are crucial once you own valuable assets (Real Estate). Please add a 2022 goal to your planning. We can help. Please feel free to contact us for your free consultation.

Happy New Year!!!


Agent: Our 2022 Prognostications